Monday, August 7, 2023

Summer releases 2023

Barcelona Trees v0.0.5 has been released. This is the third Beta release of this program, that was already mentioned here some time ago. The new features are:

  • Database updated using the 2023_2T datasets from Open Data BCN
  • Added Dutch translation by @Vistaus: Thanks!
  • Window Client Side Decorations on all platforms (except Android)
  • Build system migrated to CMake
  • Git Submodules for android_openssl and libq7zip
  • Migrated to Qt 6.5.2

The last one is interesting, because the Location Maps were removed from Qt 6.0, but they came again in 6.5 so the migration was possible. Another interesting point is the new Dutch translation contributed by Heimen Stoffels. The Window CSD feature is based on the work of Johan Helsing, and it is available for Windows and Linux. It has the advantage of saving some screen space for the application window, providing a similar experience for all operating systems, and also similar to the Android interface…

But of course, the most important feature is the Database update from the Open Data BCN datasets. This time the number of catalogued trees is 232,260 and the number of species is 487. Impressive numbers! but you may think how accurate is this database. Well, I am somewhat disappointed in my personal experience. I’ve been testing the new version for some time, and discovered that a Ginkgo biloba supposedly at Taulat with Selva de Mar doesn’t exist anymore. Not even a stump!

And when checking two Metrosideros excelsa, on the Mar Bella promenade, I’ve found them dry dead. So sad! 😧

There are three more Metrosideros not far away that look healthy. Live long and prosper, dear Pohutukawas!🖖

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