Wednesday, May 4, 2011

VMPK: new release, soon

A new VMPK release is coming, with some new features:

* Touch screen interface support.

* RtMidi 1.0.14, comes with Jack MIDI support. Note that RtMidi allows only one driver, so you need to choose at configuring time the desired MIDI backend.

* Network MIDI support (UDP multicast). It may be used in Linux, Windows and Mac, but is more interesting for portable devices. The protocol is compatible with ipMIDI for Windows and Mac ( and with qmidinet and multimidicast in Linux/Unix (

* Symbian^3 port.


  1. Pedro. Thanks for your wonderful contribution. I am using VMPK now and I found it incredible for my purposes, that is, emulate a diatonic accordion. As you know, in this instrument there is different sound when the bellows is compressing or decompressing. I see that in VMPK this could be accomplished with the shift key giving different sounds to capital letters. Is it possible to include this new feature in the new version of VMPK? Presntly the sound is the same as you know. Thank you so much.

    Mario PĂ©rez

  2. @Mario: thanks for your comment, but this blog is not the place to request new vmpk features. Please use the forums or the vmpk-devel mailing list.

    Anyway, I want to keep vmpk neutral and close to a simple MIDI controller as possible. But it is free software and the source code is available, just in case you want to improve and adapt it to your needs.

  3. Thanks for the port, I have C7 and I installed the program but there wasn't any sound, does it need any additional files or something?

  4. @Mankdim: thanks for the comment. It is exactly what I was expecting.

    Just reading the program description at the OVI Store would help. It says: "VMPK is a MIDI events generator emulating a piano keyboard. It does not produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI Synthesizer. VMPK requires WLAN connection to a computer running a complementary application as QmidiNet for Linux, or ipMIDI for Windows and Mac OSX". There are more details available in the link to the web site, "help" menu option:
