Wednesday, October 12, 2011

VMPK & FluidSynth 0.1.0 released

VMPK & FluidSynth is a MeeGo Harmattan application for Nokia N9/N950 smartphones. It contains a  QML based VMPK user interface bundled with FluidSynth for sound generation.

You may download it from OVI Store right now.

Several enhancements have been included since the 0.0.1 beta announced in August.
  • Controllers, Bender, and Velocity values can be optionally controlled by the device's accelerometer.
  • Internationalization. This version includes translations to Spanish, Russian (thanks to Serguey Basalaev) and Czech (thanks to Pavel Fric).
  • Inverted color theme. This dark color combination consumes less power, enabling longer battery life.
  • Latest FluidSynth included.
Sources available at, as usual.