Saturday, July 24, 2010

Future of KMid

The next version of KMid is in the kitchen right now, and it will have 2.4.0 as identifier. Tentatively, August 15th shall be the release date.

The main novelty is KMidPart, a component that implements the interface KMediaPlayer, playing MIDI/Karaoke files and using KMid infrastructure. The component shares the same configuration as the main program, so by default the MIDI port selection and Soft Synth will be common. This component by default shows only a play/stop combined button and a slider for the time position, in addition to the actions Play/Pause/Stop. Hidden, but selectable by means of KMediaPlayer::View interface methods, there are several additional controls: pause button, volume, pitch transpose and tempo (speed). The following pictures show the minimum and complete user interface respectively.

Once installed the new version of KMid, the KMidPart component is immediately available in Konqueror, either as file manager or web browser, since it is a simple standard KParts/ReadOnlyPart service. Examples of web sites that can benefit from this component can be and

Of course, this component is available to all fellow KDE developers so they can include MIDI playback in other programs. The programming API is quite simple, as demonstrated by two examples in C++ and Python included in the examples directory. If the KMediaPlayer interface is not enough, there are other methods and additional signals available through DBus.

From here, KMid will continue to evolve. I am considering further integration with KDE desktop technologies. For example, standard MIDI files are not scanned or indexed currently, but much of their metadata could be exploited with Nepomuk: tonality, rhythm, tempo, number of tracks and instruments. The settings of the songs, now stored in individual text files, may also be candidates for better integration. Another candidate for integration would be Solid, publishing system MIDI ports. Integrating KMid backends in Phonon can not be addressed at this time, but maybe in the future Phonon may evolve and such integration become possible.

Further integration into KDE unfortunately means less chance for KMid users of using it on Windows and Mac OSX. Although there are ports of KDE for those operating systems, both communities are not very active. I have received a suggestion that KMid does not need to depend on KDE, but only Qt4. This would make possible to distribute KMid binaries for Windows and Mac easily. I'm not especially interested in this option, followed for instance by the Rosegarden project, sacrificing both functionality and community by this way.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MIDI en las Jornadas

El pasado viernes 2 de Julio se celebraron en Barcelona las IX Jornades de Programari Lliure (jornadas de software libre). Este año han tenido un formato abreviado de un solo día, y han sido organizadas por la Politécnica de Catalunya. Los contenidos han girado en torno a dos ejes: el software libre y los contenidos libres en la educación, y el software libre en la empresa.

Al tratar de educación y software libre, lógicamente se ha hablado del programa eduCAT1x1 de la Generalitat, que básicamente consiste en entregar un ultraportátil a cada alumno e implantar el libro de texto digital; así como de Linkat, la distribución de Linux educativa del Departament d'Educació.

Mi intervención se ha titulado "MIDI en Linux". He presentado brevemente los programas KMid, KMetronome y VMPK con especial énfasis en las posibilidades didácticas en el ámbito musical de dichos programas y de la tecnología MIDI en general. Muchísimas gracias al público asistente y a la organización por su cálida acogida.

A pesar de su brevedad, el contenido de las mesas redondas y las conferencias ha sido interesante, ameno y en algunos casos no exento de polémica, lo cual también es enriquecedor. Espero con impaciencia las jornadas del próximo año.